Dr Agata Borowska Pietrzak i Dr Tomasz Kawka sa Faculty of Management, Department of Human Resource Management, University of Gdansk, Poland gosti su našeg Odjela u periodu od 25. - 29. listopada 2021. u sklopu Erasmus + Program. Dr Borowska Pietrzak održala je niz predavanja na temu Job Satisfaction Survey as a tool of Human Resource Management na našem Odjelu dok je Dr Tomasz Kawka gost prof. dr.sc. Srećka Goića na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Splitu.
Suradnja Odjela za stručne studije s kolegama sa Sveučilišta u Gdansku započela je prošle godine u sklopu SEA EU alijanse i projekta Virtual Mobility kada je doc.dr.sc. Senka Borovac Zekan zajedno s prof.dr.sc. Srećkom Goićem održala niz predavanja za studente iz Poljske. Suradnja se uspješno nastavila i putem Erasmus + programa te su kolege iz Poljske održale niz predavanja na Odjelu za stručne studije u sklopu kolegija Poslovno vođenje kao i na Ekonomiji kod prof.Goića.
Suradnja sa Sveučilištem u Gdansku se nastavlja i dalje te pozivamo sve kolege, ali i studente, da se uključe!
Dr Agata Borowska Pietrzak and Dr Tomasz Kawka from the Faculty of Management, Department of Human Resource Management, University of Gdansk, Poland, are guests of our Department from 25 to 29 October 2021 as part of the Erasmus + Program. Dr Borowska Pietrzak gave a series of lectures on Job Satisfaction Survey as a tool of Human Resource Management in our Department, while Dr Tomasz Kawka was a guest of prof. dr.sc. Srećko Goić at the Faculty of Economics in Split.
The cooperation of the Department of Professional Studies with colleagues from the University of Gdańsk started last year as part of the SEA EU Alliance and the Virtual Mobility project, when doc.dr.sc. Senka Borovac Zekan, together with prof.dr.sc. Srećko Goić gave a series of lectures for students from Poland. The cooperation was successfully continued through the Erasmus + Program, and colleagues from Poland gave a series of lectures at the Department of Professional Studies within the course Business Leadership and Faculty of Economics with Prof. Goić.
Cooperation with the University of Gdansk continues, and we invite all colleagues and students to get involved!