The International Relations and Mobility Office, set up in 2011, is responsible for the entire Department's international activity.

Our main areas of work include:

  • Managing institutional partnerships and bilateral agreements within ERASMUS +  and other international programmes
  • Developing strategic alliances and collaborations including our membership in the SPACE European Network for Business studies and languages
  • Managing and fostering international student, teacher and staff exchanges
  • Hosting visits by delegations from international universities and other public bodies
  • Building the Department's international profile through visits, media coverage, events and conferences
    Internationalizing the Department, the curriculum and services

The International Relations and Mobility Office of the University Department of professional Studies hosted a “Welcome day” for incoming Erasmus students for the first time in March, 2014. The Office aims to make the event a standard for new incoming Erasmus+ students. The goal of the Welcome day is to greet the Erasmus students to the Department and to introduce them to our students, faculty and staff, as well as to make them feel at home while studying at the host institution. The incoming students also present their countries and home institutions, so our students benefit as well.