Incoming students

Teaching, exams and grading system


Teaching and exams

Each course unit consists of 13 teaching weeks per semester and on-site class attendance of 70% is required.

The class schedule (timetable) is published on the Department's website a week before the start of classes (link).

Some courses incorporate activities during the whole semester period such as monthly quizzes, homework, papers, short exams and seminars, team assignments, etc.

Students who manage to achieve a positive grade through activities during the semester for each course, don't have to take the full exam within the regular exam term but is mandatory to register exam for each course in the official exam period (published after the teaching semester).

Should a student not achieve a positive grade during the semester (passing all given activities), alternatively, can take the full exam. Full exams are held after the end of the teaching period of each semester, during a four-week examination period. The examination period is organized into two halves. Each student can attempt an exam one per examination period half (i.e. twice per total examination period).

Students should respect the scheduled examination period that is published on the UDPS web pg. (link). Individual examination schedule with a professor is not possible. 

It's mandatory to register for the exams in the manner described in: Studomat tutorial on how to schedule an exam.

The dates of the exam deadlines, as well as the deadlines for registration and deregistration of exams, students can check by logging in to the app Studomat: 

  • It is mandatory to register for the exam also for exams that have been passed through a colloquium (otherwise, it is not possible to record the grade in the ISVU system).
  • After taking the exam (and no later than 7 days after the official date of exame), the student is obliged to check his grade on app Studomat. Possible irregularities (wrongly recorded or unrecorded grade), the student should report it to the subject teacher immediately


Trancript of Records (TOR) – once you have all grades in the sistem you can print it out only from the machine Studomat (in the hall of University Department of Professional Studies) you will find it under the CERTIFICATEs.

Tutorial how to print TOR from Studomat 


Grading system

Grades range from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest achievable grade and 2 being lowest (grade 1 indicates failure to pass the exam).
Croatian grading scheme: Izvrstan - 5 (excellent); vrlo dobar – 4 ( very good); dobar – 3 (good); dovoljan 2 (sufficient); nedovoljan – 1 (fail);

The minimum passing grade is 2 (sufficient);

Conversion of Croatian grades into exchange student's national grade system is performed by the student's home institution ECTS Coordinator according to the published Croatian grading scheme upon receiving the student's ToR.