The abstract has to be submitted as plain text on CMT platform (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CIET2024/Submission/Index), with a maximum of 400 words. In your abstract briefly describe the purpose or objective of your research. Provide an overview of the methods and approaches used in your research. Explain the contribution of your research to the field. Summarize the key findings of your research.
Please include a maximum of 5 keywords.
Do not use special characters, symbols, or math in your title or abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. The abstract should outline the main ideas and results of the paper.
All papers must be written and presented in English.
Submission deadline for abstract: March 10, 2024
Acceptance notification: March 15, 2024
The full paper text submitted on CMT platform (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CIET2024/Submission/Index), should not exceed 30,000 characters (15 pages) and should be written according to the instructions provided in the TEMPLATE FOR FULL PAPERS.
Submission deadline for full paper: April 28, 2024
Acceptance notification: May 10, 2024
Conference: June 13-14, 2024