About the Conference

About the Conference

The 6th conference Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology – CIET 2024 will be held from June 13 to 14, 2024 in Split. 

Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology (CIET) is an international scientific and professional conference organized by the University Department of Professional Studies, University of Split. It was launched in 2014 and it has been held biannually in Split, Croatia, except 5th edition that was hosted by the partner institution, Florida Universitària, Spain. 

The conference proceedings contain both scientific and professional papers. Many of these articles are co-authored by students and professionals in the area of specialization in question. In doing so, the need and opportunity to connect science and the professional world with business entities in order to achieve synergies, has been taken into account. 

The international scientific and professional conference Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology was established with its main mission to create the unique platform for gathering scholars, researchers and industry experts to discuss and find new ways and solutions for contemporary challenges in the areas of economy and technology. 

The CIET editions provide an excellent forum for discussion for both students and teachers in the areas of finance and economics, entrepreneurship, tourism and international trade, electrical engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering and interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to CIET 2024.

Organizing Committee



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